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8 Easy Tips to Detox Right

What is your biggest challenge right now?  Are you motivated to make changes in your life, health, business? Maybe you really want to detox, lose weight and feel your best in 2018?  My friend Janice is doing a detox diet using bone broth and collagen and consequently is cleansing asthma and mucus congestion. Did you know that even changing your food plan and eating healthier can allow your body to let go of the “junk” it has stored?  This is great, but you may not feel great as you cleanse.

Listen to Joe Kasper, creator of the Underground Health Club and myself discuss nutrition, detoxing and more!



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Here are a few tips to help you get through the cleanse :

  1. Drink ½ your weight in ounces of water.
  2. Support the liver and kidneys by adding in hot lemon water AM and PM.
  3. Make sure your bowels are moving – can use herbs and supplements such as our Oxy Cleanse or Mover to help.
  4. Use Milk Thistle to support the liver.
  5. Kidney support includes marshmallow root, parsley, and vitamin C.
  6. Be aware that your emotions are connected to your physical body – you are whole person, so if old stuff surfaces during a physical body cleanse it is OK.  You can use techniques to clear this and feel better faster.  As an Alternative Wellness Coach certified in Brain-Soul Coaching, I love to up-level the whole person!  Call us 505-797-0540.
  7. Stay positive — keep telling yourself: “This is just a cleanse and when I get through this I will feel lighter and more vibrant than ever!”
  8. To really jump start your cleanse and your success, learn the Five Secrets to a  Beautiful Amazing You!  HERE

Here’s just a few of the highlights you’ll learn on the free webinar:

  • The secrets to upgrading your DNA so you actually feel younger, more motivated, and more vibrant (Your DNA is NOT fixed! It can be reprogrammed!)
  • Which foods and supplements you need to help your body slow down the aging process
  • How to reduce the toxins in your body and your environment so you feel better every day and even live longer (Plus learn the best way to cleanse your body)
  • The three best kinds of exercise that support longevity (no more beating up your body with workouts that don’t serve you!)
  • How to create the perfect bedtime routine for YOU so you start experiencing solid and truly restful sleep (Good Sleep = Healthy Body and Mind)
  • How to balance your hormones for optimal health
  • How to detox your skin, thicken and strengthen your hair, and make your bones more flexible

Think of what would be possible for your business, your relationships and your finances if you had more energy and more confidence every single day!  LEARN MORE





Upcoming Events

  • Jan. 27:  The Five Secrets to a Beautiful Amazing You FREE webinar 11:00 AM Pacific, 12:00 PM Mountain, 1:00 PM Central, 2:00 PM Eastern, 5:00 PM Dublin. SIGN UP
  • HUGE Product Sale this month:  50% off Thermedix Enzymes. These are not on the website, please call our office 505-797-0540 to order.
  • Feb. 21: New You- Love Thyself and The Secrets to Radiant Skin Class in the Office – Our guest Susan Nichols shares the secrets to great skin inside and out!  Please rsvp by  calling 505-797-0450
  • March 15- 18: Brain-Soul Success Bootcamp!  Reconnect, Revitalize, Transform LEARN MORE
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