Brain-soul leap program

Reboot Your Brain, Build Your Life and Business! All classes recorded.

What you'll get from Brain-Soul Leap Program:

  • Reset your brain
  • Release the energetic blocks from traumas, beliefs, and patterns
  • Become fully aligned in your own power
  • Achieve far MORE with way less effort
  • Finally experience the breakthrough you’ve been looking for 

Are you secretly suffering...

  • from feeling frustrated, unhealthy, unfocused and fatigued, more often than you should?
  • from brain fog and a memory that doesn’t seem as good as it used to be?
  • because your life feels out of balance and you don’t know why?
  • you desire a deeper soulful connection.

What if you could...

  • find more focus and energy?
  • understand the right supplements and foods to enhance your brain power?
  • feel more confident and relaxed?
  • align your brain-soul for greater success?
  • learn a few simple tools to balance your brain and spirit?

Brain-Soul Leap

Join the thousands who have joined Brain-Soul Leap and transformed their lives.

Take all NEW Online Class plus a Frequency Program to boost your brain power and success in your life and business. All classes are recorded.
Investment: $4,997 $3,997

Here's what you'll get when you sign up for the Brain Soul Leap Program:

  • 9 powerful modules to maximize learning the secrets to creating a focused optimal brain.
  • Handouts and video recordings of each class in an online classroom.
  • Energy work to clear the blocks, even ancestral.
  • Inspiring weekly affirmations to help shift your brain into a high-receptor magnet. Remember, whatever you put out, you receive times 10!
  • Mind Gem exercises to balance your mind, body, and spirit to keep you on your A-game!
  • And so much more!

Why the brain?

Twenty five years ago, you wouldn’t have recognized me. I was breathing through a tube, and weighed in at just 89 pounds. I had trouble remembering anything, I had chronic fatigue, seizures, and seemed to be allergic to everything in the world. I had fourteen mercury amalgam fillings removed in one day! My brain appeared to have just ‘given up’.

Despite lingering fatigue, distractibility and memory loss, I knew I had to detox and get my brain working again. There was no way I could spend the rest of my life like this. I threw myself into the studies of medicine, alternative medicine, energy work, biofeedback, and naturopathy. My own healing became my first difficult case, and my greatest teacher.

My path through healing led me to the development of my own signature biofeedback program and I came to be known as the Beautiful Brain Expert. Now I’m able to help thousands of folks (adults, children and their families) with individual and group programs like Brain Boosters, Beautiful Amazing You and Awakening Abundance.

Frequency Medicine, explained

What is Frequency Medicine?

Think back to your high school physics class and what you learned about light, sound and energy. While you can’t SEE light (the actual light waves) or sound or electricity, they most certainly exist. They exist and travel at specific “frequencies” or wavelengths. You might be old enough to remember having to tune your radio to the right frequency to listen to your favorite radio station. Or think of sending a text message today. How do those words end up on your phone and not your friend’s phone? Energy knows your number specifically. It really is Quantum Physics and I have been playing in this world since 2004!  The very first radio show I was on we used the words frequency medicine to describe what I do. 

Frequency medicine is HERE now and back then it was the “wave of the future.” It is possible to broadcast healing frequencies out to people in a group. As the members of the group receive those frequencies (the same way you hear music, or see color) their bodies, cells and DNA are positively affected and brought back into balance. 

What is Brain-soul Leap

Reboot your brain. Build your life and business!

During the 9 modules, we’ll combine learning/practice with weekly long-distance frequency medicine broadcasting. In addition to healing, the weekly frequencies will also support your success in the program. I use five biofeedback programs interchangeably as well as a new one I developed after 30 years of research and working with dyslexia, ADD/ADHD and my clients in my natural health practice. This program is called Beautiful Balanced Brain and runs on Scalin technology. It doesn’t get better than this!

This group runs August 30th through November 1st, 2023. 

We have 9 modules following the B.R.A.I.N. System™ – 

B= Body

R= Release

A= Align with spirit

I= Integrate

N= New program.

The brain-soul boosting frequencies are sent Wednesday evenings during class and Wednesday evenings during non-class meetings.

We have had superb results with business owners, athletes, adults who were needing more focus, memory and balance, and students going back to school. 

The program includes the B.R.A.I.N. System™, biofeedback remote sessions to balance the Brain, Improve Memory and Improve Focus to achieve optimal performance in life and business. 

When your brain works right, your life works right.  

Mind Gems are also part of this program: Mind Gems are 12 simple hand-held positions that balance all 12 brain rings.

Customers reviews

What People Say About Brain-Soul Leap

How has this work not changed my life!! I am the happiest I ever thought I could have been. I am comfortable with my intuition which only continues to get stronger and clearer. I can say with complete confidence I am no linger afraid of my intuition, although sometimes it still blows my mind. I see the difference in my family as well. My mom, sisters and family are reaping the benefits of the ancestral clearing, it seems like my entire family is being lifted.
After my huge breakthrough I notice that I am clearer. I have been looking at things differently, possibilities seem more doable and I'm able to stay more focused in the direction of my goals and dreams. I can't tell you specifics from memory. but for example, I might be making a decision or choice and think to myself ", that seemed easy! Why did I think it was so hard?!?!" I think I could sum it all up by saying, I believe I am dissolving the roadblocks to my success with the Mind Gems and positive points and clearings. I've given myself permission to slow down to take the time to hear Spirit's guidance within. That, in addition to the subconscious clearings has increased my clarity.
N. Carolina

How Does Our Beautiful Brain Frequency Medicine Program Work?

Our Newest Frequency Program includes Solfeggio Frequencies, all the rife frequencies and can be programmed to include the frequencies to match any intention. It really is ‘Powerful Positive Healing for Life” if you know how the secrets of using it. The program includes a powerful matching tool that works directly on your hologram to change the patterns and correct imbalances:

Experience these benefits and MORE~

  • Feel more focused and clear!
  • Re-gain your mental energy and stamina MOJO!
  • Raise your Vibration!
  • Leap forward in your life and business BIG TIME
  • Increased confidence and happiness!

We can work on virtually anything including people, animals, places, situations, family harmony, etc. All is possible! Here is just a short list of the possibilities: brain boosting, neurotransmitter balancing, enhancing mood, raising DNA frequency, building immune system, pain reduction, zapping parasites, viruses, fungus, bacteria, allergy therapy, hormone balancing, improving relationships, and miracles!

I will show you how you can simply change things today!


Louise Swartswalter

Brain-Soul Leap

Join the thousands who have joined Brain-Soul Leap and transformed their lives.

Take all NEW Online Class plus a Frequency Program to boost your brain power and success in your life and business. All classes are recorded.

Investment: $4,997 $3,997