Have you ever been given the opportunity to get healthier, acquire a new job or client, or expand your life and business? Did you believe you had all the right tools, strategies, and plan to success, but did’t?
When that happens, were you left with feelings of confusion, frustration and “beating yourself up”?
We all have all experienced this type of resistance and fear. “Resistance is self-sabotage and letting yourself be sabotaged by others,” says Steven Pressfield, a writer who addresses writers’ block.
Let’s talk about the ways resistance and fear show up, so you can recognize and change it the next time it happens to you. Then, I will give you the steps for working with resistance and conquering it. Hooray, 2018 is going to be YOUR year!
Resistance shows up when you hesitate to make a phone call, take care of a bill, get the leak fixed, clean out your office, follow your healthy eating plan, get out of bed, procrastinate on things such as seeing the doctor for that nagging symptom, paying your taxes, letting the laundry pile up, or having mail on your desk from a month ago. Resistance shows up when you allow yourself to be sabotaged by others by having unclear boundaries. Perhaps your mouth kept saying, “Yes” when your heart was saying, “No.”
How to work with Resistance:
First, understand that is necessary for resistance to come up in order for you to grow. It propels you forward, so have patience as you move through it. When you push against resistance is when you force necessary change and relentlessness against what has keept you stuck. Understand it takes endurance and consistent action steps, much like a graceful move by a top athlete to achieve an end-goal like making it to the Olympics. We learn a lot from playing a sport, and I am advocate for experiencing a sport or activity that teaches commitment to a team.
Next, stay in your lane. When you listen to others and adopt a view contradictory to your own, or take on their “stuff”, you are muddying your waters and will become more confused and scattered. Be true to your intentions and stay focused. Be coachable — listen and learn — but stay true to you.
Finally, when you learn and master the tools of clearing your own roadblocks you can do anything! I really mean that – anything! I elevated myself from being very sick, on oxygen for three years with two young kids at home, to owning my own natural health center. First, I became a naturopathic doctor and then a biofeedback therapist combining methods and tools to help people in the fastest ways possible. And now, as an Alternative Wellness Coach, I help heart-centered entrepreneurs from all over the globe become certified Brain-Soul Success Coaches. I have helped over 400,000 people within the last 14 years get healthy and follow their hearts! If I can do it, so can you!
Here is an outline of the tools you can learn and employ to empower yourself to clear those resistance blocks.
My five steps, The B.R.A.I.N. System to clear blocks and integrate your new INTENTION!
B= Body: Where are the resistance, fear, pain or other emotion stuck in your body? You can release them by acknowledging their presence and using releasing techniques, such as emotion codes and brain-soul balancing. If you do not have the Ebook Brain-Soul Balancing: Get Back Your Truth, Your Life, Your Love you can download a copy on the Albuquerque Natural Health Center Website www.abqnaturalhealthcenter.com.
R= Release: Those releasing techniques for clearing your brain-soul “roadblocks”, ancestral patterns, emotions and more will be taught at the Brain-Soul Success Bootcamp here in Albuquerque, New Mexico March 15-18th! Learn more about this signature event HERE.
A= Align with Spirit: Be present to God, Buddha, Jesus, what or whomever your higher power is, and actively create the “God Loop” by ask and receive with gratitude.
I= Integrate: Integrate your whole being — your truth and soul contracts after the blocks have been cleared. Some of this actually occurs during the previous steps. Bring your intentions in front of you. See them on a movie screen as if they already are your reality.
N= New Program: This is the piece missing in many healing models. We forget that after we remove the energetic blocks we need to put in a new program to fill the void that has been left. This New program is how you want to show up in the world going forward. I use a process that combines NLP and Geotran, allowing for the brain patterns in the energy field to be re-programmed. This is powerful! Here is what Pam looked like before and after a new program was assimilated in her energy field.
You , too can learn the tools to keep yourself balanced and able to move forward. I invite you to join us for the Brain-Soul Success Bootcamp. I am so confident you will transform that if you do not learn the tools, feel the energy and the shift, I will happy to refund you. Yup! I am on fire and want to help you get your SHINE on in 2018!
Upcoming Events in 2018:
- Jan. 8: Dr. Joe interviews Dr. Louise on Channel 26 Television 5:30 PM
Comcast 26 airings: 1/8/18: 5:30p 1/9/18: 10:30a,1p,11p 1/10/18:8a,12p,11:30p
- Jan. 10: Beautiful Amazing You Class in the office, 6:30 PM. Please rsvp. 505-797-0540
- Jan. 27: The Five Secrets to a Beautiful Amazing You FREE Webinar 11:00 AM Pacific, 12:00 PM Mountain, 1:00 PM Central, 2:00 PM Eastern, 5:00 PM Dublin — RSVP HERE
HUGE Product Sale this month – 50% off Thermedix Enzymes. These are not listed on the website, so please call our office 505-797-0540
- Feb. 21: New You- Love Thyself and The Secrets to Radiant Skin Class in the Office – Our guest Susan Nichols shares the secrets to great skin inside and out! Please rsvp. 505-797-0450
March 15-18: The Brain –Soul Success Bootcamp Albuquerque, New Mexico! Learn the B.R.A.I.N. system: RSVP HERE
- April 18: Living in Your Zone of Genius Class 6:30 PM in the office 6:30 PM and Live stream on Facebook
- May 9: Awakening Abundance Class 6:30 PM in the office and Live stream on Facebook