Balance your brain in less than five minutes with Mind Gems!

Manifest Your Intentions With This Exercise

When was the last time you thoughtfully wrote down your intentions? You have dreams, desires, and goals you want to achieve, so let’s manifest them! Get started with this exercise:  

Elated Emotion = Increased Vibration

  1. What do you want to create in your life?  (peace, happiness, business, vacation, more clients, money, etc.)  
  2. Draw a symbol of this in the middle of your paper- could be just a big capital B for business  
  3. Draw squiggly lines around it representing the quantum field  
  4. On the left side of the paper write your intentions  
  5. On the right side of the paper write the emotions that represent the manifestation of those intentions.  
  6. It is the elated emotions that increase your vibration and bring you your desired results  
  7. HINT- are you beginning to witness the importance of emotions in healing?  
  8. Focus on your elated emotions as you think about your intentions 

Try this exercise with all of your intentions and make it a habit to review, evaluate and meditate on them consistently. Hit reply and let me know how you feel and what’s working for you!

Brain-Soul Success Assessment

Do you feel stuck like there’s something blocking you from achieving what you want? Let’s chat. Take this assessment (less than 5 minutes):

Let’s figure out what your goals are and what’s blocking you from moving forward.  

Love, Louise

P.S. Our frequency-enhanced Candida Cleanse is on sale for the month of October! I put frequency in all of my products for enhanced digestion and positivity in your life.  The frequency combined with the high-quality pharmaceutical-grade ingredients feeds your physical, mental and emotional bodies allowing for a better result. Candida Cleanse is great when you’re ingesting extra sugar to help decrease bloating and fatigue, and improve brain power and healthier skin. Use code CLEANSE at checkout to save 20% here.

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