Think back to your high school physics class and what you learned about light, sound and energy. While you can’t SEE light (the actual light waves) or sound or electricity, they most certainly exist. They exist and travel at specific “frequencies” or wavelengths.

You might be old enough to remember having to tune your radio to the right frequency to listen to your favorite radio station. Or think of sending a text message today. How do those words end up on your phone and not your friend’s phone? Energy knows your number specifically. It really is Quantum Physics and I have been playing in this world since 2004! The very first radio show I was on we used the words frequency medicine to describe what I do.

Frequency medicine is HERE now and back then it was the “wave of the future.” It is possible to broadcast healing frequencies out to people in a group. As the members of the group receive those frequencies (the same way you hear music, or see color) their bodies, cells and DNA are positively affected and brought back into balance.