Wow! This is a big week! I was blessed with meeting and learning first hand from all my favorite teachers right here in Albuquerque- Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton (in the photo with me), Gregg Braden and Anita Moorjani . How many of you have read their books? It was that energy, MAGNIFIED
Bruce Lipton shared, “Everything is energy and reading energy is the MOST Important thing you can learn to do!”
I am teaching this with the Brain-Soul Success Academy and Mastermind and everyone who joins changes their life forever. They get healthier, improve relationships, make more money, up level their life! Can you tell it is my passion and mission?
Here are a few revelations from the last 5 days that I just have to share:
All our Brain-Soul work takes their teachings and concepts and gives people additional tools to remain balanced and closer to consciousness. YES!
The neurons in the heart form in the womb (and we take on the emotions of Mom) and the soul is born with the first heartbeat the fetus takes in the womb. THAT is why I love to clear the womb emotions. Powerful in getting you back to your soul truth.
Create brain-heart coherence is where it is at! Frequency Medicine is the wave of the future. (I have been doing this work for 15 years!)
Everything is energy and reading energy is the MOST Important thing you can learn to do!
Frequency Enhanced products are the future – BEEN DOING THIS FOR 10 YEARS!
I love to teach the Brain -Soul Success tools to read energy and raise your intuition! Join us to Clear Soul Level blocks! Two upcoming classes!