Do you know what’s causing your monthly mood swings? Or how about the impact your hormones play on your daily life? Oftentimes, we assume that a change in diet or in our physical activity is the fix to make it all better. But it goes so much deeper than that.
Naomi is a naturopath and clinical nutritionist with a bachelor’s degree in health science. She has supported women from her Sydney-based practice for the last 15 years. Her primary focus is helping women connect the dots between their health, happiness, and hormones, and she is especially gifted in supporting women with PMDD and cyclic mood swings, including histamine intolerance, anxiety, and depression.
Inside this episode:
● The impact of hormones on happiness on productivity
● What cyclic syncing is and how women can better align their
schedules around their cycles each month
● Brain power and the impact of the menstrual cycle
● The impact of the cycle on the spiritual self and things that can support connection
● Naomi’s recent journey of feeling disconnected to thriving
Naomi shares so much wisdom in this conversation and I just love all she’s doing to support women. She has an amazing community that meets monthly over Zoom which is focused on bringing knowledge, healing, and connection along with powerful tools to support women during monthly mood swings. Check it out here Calm Cycle Circle.
To learn more from Naomi, visit her Youtube channel (@NaomiJudgeNaturopath) or connect on Instagram (@naturopathnaomi).