Are You The Leader of Your Life?

Last Tuesday I wrote about Freedom and asked everyone to vote, for no particular party but to exercise your freedom to vote. Many of you responded and I thank you! I love, love connection and your feedback and opinions. Please hit respond again and let me know your thoughts.

Today I was thinking about leadership as I inspired our Mastermind Community to step more boldly into being the leaders of their own life.

I was also praying that our country’s leaders (new and old) can wisely guide us out of this mess. Have you been saying the same prayer?

There are two parts to this conversation. First, we do ask others and people in power to lead our country, state, city and community. We vote for them.

Secondly, we are all leaders as well and as you grow yourself, you have a responsibility to lead your own life and tribe with integrity, compassion and confidence. I believe everything is energy and as you vibrate at higher frequency those around you will also. We intersect with each other and can raise each other up. Your “job” is to work on YOU and that extends out into the universe.

The more of us that take action towards the light vibration the more positive and light our world will be.

As I pondered leadership I asked myself these questions and you may want to ask yourself the three questions below:

  • What is leadership?
  • What makes one a great leader?
  • How can you step even more greatly into leading your own life or business?

I did a little google search on leadership.

Kevin Kruse, writer for Forbe said,

“DEFINITION: Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal.”

That definition answers our first question on what leaderships is. There were others listed and you can read more here.

Our second question on what makes one a great leader is going to vary depending on your values and view point. A great leader inspires, motivates, encourages, moves one into action, builds connection, worthiness. A great leader is compassionate, aligned, grounded, honest, intelligent, confident, etc.

Our third question is the biggest for you.

How can you step even more greatly into leading your own life or business?

Ae you leading by example? Are you doing anything differently since COVID hit? What action steps are you taking to do a better job with your self-care routine?

What is the ONE thing you can change this week to lead your life towards your goals?

Please hit reply and let me know your thoughts. I would love to hold intention with you. Also, what topics do you want me to cover in 2021?

Health, clearing blocks to success, leadership, being your best self, stress reduction, meditation, increasing abundance, anti – aging, other ideas?

To your powerful positive life,


Louise Swartswalter

P.S.– Join me with these fabulous Leaders and Doctors for a Panel Discussion on Burnout Among Health Professionals.

Our Docs and Health Care Workers have been experiencing burn out at alarming rates. We need our amazing doctors and health care workers! I am honored to be invited to be on this Professional Panel.

We will discuss how to cope with burnout amongst doctors and health care professionals and a way out of this occupational phenomenon. Please tune in on Nov 16 for a live panel on Zoom, LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Please share with your friends! “Be Informed, Knowledge is Power.”

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