Dr. Aimie Shares Bio-Optimizing

Storytelling is a long practiced form of education because we are able to listen and then reflect on our own story to either find similarities and/or opportunities for growth.

This story I am really excited about!

I am back this week with a powerhouse guest on the Brain-Soul Success Podcast: Dr. Aimie Apigian.

Dr. Aimie is a Board-Certified Preventive Medicine Physician who specializes in trauma, attachment, addictions, and optimizing our nervous system. She earned her medical degree at Loma Linda University, has a Masters in Biochemistry, a Masters in Public Health, and then trained 3 years as a general surgeon before changing her career path.

Impressive, isn’t she?!

Dr. Aimie opens up to us about her experience of adopting a son from the foster care system and then discovering her own attachment and trauma issues. She realized that her own illness had been sprouting from this untreated and unrecognized trauma.

Frustrated with the tools, resources and lack of significant progress first with her son’s healing journey and then her own journey, she has thrown herself into understanding attachment and trauma. She explains how it affects the body and how to accelerate the healing journey.

Her most recent growth with her personal health and now career has been the addition of bio-hacking to optimize the nervous system, a term she calls Bio-Optimize.

Whether a person is actively working through (or needs to work through) trauma and attachment issues, by optimizing the nervous system, we can reach new levels of physical, mental and emotional health we didn’t know was possible.

This is an incredible discussion with a woman as intelligent as she is beautiful!

Listen in as we walk down a path of healing and take away your own lessons from hearing about hers.

Learn more about the Bio-Optimize Summit here.

Visit Dr. Aimie’s main home page here.

Love always,

Louise Swartswalter


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