Are You Ready For a Huge Energetic Shift?

Wow! We just wrapped up The Miracle is You retreat online! We collectively as a group experienced huge transformation.

Group energy can catapult people forward quickly. I always say I love group transformation and individual B.R.A.I.N. System sessions together.

Check out Susie after a Living Integration and Theresa after a Four in One Integration which is a process that reboots your energetic field to the next best version of yourself.

It clears out old blocks and patterns that reach back seven generations and go forward seven generations. I find that even physical body issues and pains either go away when we shift the field or are improved.

See the smiles, lightness and more alignment in the after pictures.

Lissa finally let go of her job and is stepping into her power as a Coach. She is so aligned and said YES to herself and joined our Mastermind.

Here is what Lissa shared:

“All I can say is “wow”….and that does not seem to be adequate.

I have found myself in a state of flow since the retreat.

I keep an eye on my sleep quality, and before the retreat and integration, I was around 79% sleep quality, getting an average of 6 hours per night and still waking up tired.

Since Saturday, I have had 8.5+ hrs of solid sleep with a sleep quality of 86% or better and I am not waking up tired. (Thank you, Apple)

My “unthinking” or automatic choices have changed. Instead of reaching for coffee, I reach for water. Instead of craving sugar, I am craving healthier juices and smoothies. My body’s needs seem to be driving my unconscious choices. It’s really interesting.

Business (beginning my coaching practice) is going supremely well and seems to just flow as well. I am finding all kinds of resources literally “at my fingertips”….things that were unavailable to me before for some unknown reason or block. It’s absolutely amazing, and I feel like I am on the absolute right track.

Can’t wait to see what happens next! Best, Lissa”

YOU CAN have these results, too.

What is the pain you are experiencing? Feel stuck, abandoned, isolated, frustration, desire for a shift? I challenge you to GET OUT OF THE MUD.

Let’s hop on a call and discover your next best step. Simply fill out this form.

We will receive your answers in our email box and schedule a call.

Much love,

Louise Swartswalter

P.S. – I have helped 45,000 people over the last 16 years and I can tell the global energies are pushing you forward (whether you like it or not).

This is the BEST time to invest in your personal goals or to get clarity around those goals.

Let’s talk. I have 4 spots open this week, first come first serve.

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