Balance your brain in less than five minutes with Mind Gems!

Grateful For YOU!

Happy Thanksgiving all!

I am so grateful for you in my life and the gifts you share with the world.

I thank you for the opportunity to guide you in whole health and wellness.

I love your heart and soul and YOU!

I love the uniqueness in all people and yet our sameness.

I am thankful for my family, friends and great health.

I am thankful for clean water, air and food.

I am thankful for my mentors and teachers.

I am thankful for my amazing staff: Alex, Ungie, Kim, Wanda, Kendra, Bruce and Lashee.

I am grateful for our amazing Mastermind Community!

So much to be thankful for…


What are you grateful for?

Try this quick activity this holiday.

Stay motivated and in a heart space by saying one thing every hour that you are grateful for.

Yes, look at the clock on the hour and say your one thing.

If you jot them down you will have about 15 statements of gratefulness. Powerful!



Cyber Monday Sale

Monday, Nov 30 and Tuesday. Dec 1, only!

Save 20% on all online orders!

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Holiday Bliss Tea Party!

Invite your friends! This will be a great way to leap into 2020! December 11th at 6:30 pm MT 8:30 pm ET

[button_2 align=”center” href=””]RSVP For My Tea Party[/button_2]


I love you and I want you to be happy,

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