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Spring Cleaning the Mind and Spirit

It’s spring and we are all raking our yards and lifting up our couches to sweep up Easter dust bunnies that have been multiplying all winter long. But what are we doing for our own well being? What about the dust and debris we are all packing around, gumming up the works?

Remove your blockages and live the life you desire!

Spring is a time for cleansing.  You will see numerous articles on cleansing your body, mind, and skin.  Each one will have a different thrust, purpose and protocol. However, cleansing is not complete until we cleanse the emotions and the soul. When your emotions and soul are cleansed and your life is balanced, you are able to reach your highest potential and allow your gifts to shine. 

In the past 14 years  I have worked with many beautiful individuals and I have seen that the emotions, thoughts and neural network of patterns impact our health and physical being to a much greater degree than I could have imagined.  “Unresolved issues make life less enjoyable,” says David Simon, co-founder and director of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, California.  He states, “A history of unmet needs erodes your sense of vitality, self-esteem, and sense of worthiness and leads to distressing emotional residue.”  Layers of emotional amour can develop and manifest in chronic pains, immune dysfunction, fatigue, depression and can lead to cancer, heart disease, etc. 

Personally I have witnessed souls transformed and attitudes shift.  With the help of the B.R.A.I.N. System and affirmations, clients are literally peeling away the armor (layers) and healing their lives.  As each layer peels away, clients are less stressed, and what used to get them rattled is just a part of their day.  I hear comments like, “It use to bug me that____ and now I acknowledge it, but I don’t beat myself up over it.” Or: “I feel less stressed about _____.”  And:  “I am experiencing more confidence.”

The transformations that occurred at the Brain-Soul Success Bootcamp were amazing. Take a look at Frances before and after a Miracle Integration:

I use the shoulder (should) example often.  Many of us have this internal tape playing that states, “I should do this and should do that.” The use of should immediately plants the seed of feeling guilty.  Guilt is very unhealthy and can cause all kinds of digestion problems.  In addition, “too many shoulds” often result in shoulder problems. Changing the internal tape to: “I chose to do this, or I want to do that,” is empowering and frees your being so you have energy to reach your highest potential.  It takes practice but it is worth it!

                        Here are a few emotional detox techniques to get you started:

  1. Own your own feelings.Stop the blame game. When we blame others it is like looking in a mirror.   The person you are blaming is your best teacher and is reflecting back to you what you have not been acknowledging.
  2. Identify the emotion.Say “I feel _________.” Describe what you are feeling.
  3. Create a little space.Find some quiet time for yourself. Turn off the TV and put down the book.  Listen to soothing music, meditate, get a massage, do yoga or stretching.  You need this space to become more aware of the feeling and patterns of emotions.
  4. Write it down.Journaling is an excellent way to talk to yourself and use language to express how you fully feel.
  5. Create a ritual to release the toxicity. My favorite is to take a shower and allow the emotion or issue to melt off you and into the drain.  Picture “it” literally being washed away. Or do a soul tie box to release ( Get the FREE Ebook HERE for more.)
  6. Reward yourself. Give yourself a treat for your hard work – a gourmet meal, a day off, luxurious bath, or a weekend away.

Some other very effective techniques to work on emotions are:

  1. Emotional Freedom Technique.  The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.  By tapping on specific points on the body you open up the channels and release the emotion. For more information e-mail the founder, Gary Craig

Emotion Code I another effective tool I teach and use. The book by Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code will get you started.

  1. Biofeedback/Bioresonance – The Indigo, Access Hanna, the CORE program, the Life Systemare very sophisticated electro-physiological systems that test the electrical body with about 11,000 items in 3-5 minutes. These energetic reactions identify stressors in the body.  Biofeedback addresses many stressors including but not limited to: allergies, nutritional and vitamin deficiencies, toxicities, acupuncture meridians, Rife therapy, hormone levels, viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, environmental factors, mental and emotional stress, circulation, asthma and other respiratory issues, sinus, throat and moth profile, dental, brain wave tuning, ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, digestion, miasms and anti-aging.  The stressors are rebalanced so that the body begins to repair itself. I like the Neuro-linguistic programming panel which addresses the emotional, nerve memory, cellular memory and brain.

Want more? Download my FREE Ebook “Brain-Soul balancing: Get Your Truth, Your Health and Your Life”


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