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The 3 Levels of Disease and Ill-Health: Part 2

Last week, we discussed the two most outer levels of disease: Physical and Energetic.

The Physical Level is easily detected, and is what many of us picture when we think of disease.  Examples include masses, rashes, abnormalities on lab tests, or symptoms such as coughing or diarrhea.

The Energetic level looks at the smooth (or disrupted) flow of Chi in the body’s meridians (driving like cars on an energy highway).  The Energetic level can still be detected outwardly by a skill TCM practitioner using windows such as the complexion, tongue color, and pulse quality.  They say the Masters can read your life’s story through a simple feel of the pulses on your wrists!

Irregularities in the flow of Chi, if left uncorrected, will eventually turn into physical symptoms or disease.  But what is it that causes Chi to stop flowing smoothly in the first place?


The third and deepest level of disease is Emotional.

If physical symptoms are caused by Chi getting into an accident on the energy-highways, it is negative emotions that cause the drivers to get distracted and crash in the first place.  

I have been doing allopathic (Western) veterinary medicine for seven years.  I have been doing Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine for two years.  And I have been working with the emotional level of disease for six months.  When I started doing TCVM, I experienced a huge leap forward in what I could do for animals — suddenly an advanced disease that would have been a death-sentence became a disease that I could manage (I could start pulling cars off the pile-up) and, given enough time, cure (at least to the point where there were no physical symptoms).  But there was still a level of disease I couldn’t touch — the same imbalance would be there, just not as prominent as before.

Digging down into the Emotional level of disease, using Dr. Louise’s B.R.A.I.N. System, I’m finding the energy starts to flow more freely in my patients of its own volition.  Results are coming faster and more easily than before.

We know when we experience a negative emotion our body has a physical reaction.  For me, my hands clench and my shoulders seem to creep up toward my ears whenever I am in an uncomfortable situation.  The same happens internally.

Some things we experience only in passing, and the cars have a narrow miss and keep moving along at their regular speed.  But bigger things — the things that we internalize and hold onto — leave an accident at the side of the road.  We may feel that we have moved on and let it go and that things are flowing freely, because our body is resilient and knowns how to cope, but that negative emotion or memory is trapped within us like a little fender-bender that is waiting to cause a major problem.

Trapped negative emotions are the first level of ill-health.

Negative Trapped Emotion —> Irregular Flow of Chi —> Disease

But where do these negative emotions come from?  Good news!  They come from us, they come internally.  Which means that we have the power to clear them and clear ourselves.

We may have warning signs such as memory flashes that pop-up when we are stressed, or irrational or sometimes over-reactions in certain situations.  Sometimes, the emotion is so buried we do not know that it is there.  Many of them are detected only through openness, acceptance, and intuitive-level work.

Promoting Better Health

What are some steps we can take to help ourselves be healthy?

Why, clear ourselves of emotional and energetic and physical imbalances, of course, and then fill ourselves up with positive stuff!  It’s that easy and it’s that hard.

The work that Louise does with the BRAIN system includes techniques for discovering, recognizing, and releasing old trapped emotions and experiences.  (And after negative emotions have been released, there are techniques for installing new positive thoughts, which not only blocks out the negative but helps our energy flow even more freely!)

In my own journey, I have had the pleasure of working extensively with Dr. Louise over the last year, learning and implementing the unique B.R.A.I.N. System — both for myself and my animal patients. 

Thank you to everyone for letting me share my experiences.  It is truly an honor, and I hope I have provided some unique insights.  I encourage all of you to take some time to reflect and release the deep trapped emotions (next time a memory pops up, recognize that it is still with you, affecting you, and make a conscious choice to release it fully).

Love you all!

– Charlotte

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