Your Mirror Can Help Re-Program You

I got my hair cut today and met  a wonderful man in my hairdresser’s office.

He said, “That style looks good on you.”  “Thank you,” I said.

I was holding a large hand held mirror as Jessica finished cutting  a few back hairs.

I said, “This is one big mirror and would take up my whole bathroom.” Chuckle, chuckle…

The conversation turned to what we are suppose to say to ourselves when we look into a mirror.  The gentleman said, “In the morning, what you say to yourself when you look in the mirror sets the tone for the day.”

“Wow, what an aware older man,” my inner thoughts spoke.

What are you telling yourself?  Are they positive or negative thoughts?  Are you ruminating over a past issue? Your mind never shuts off, and scientists say that everyday the number of brain connections is greater than the number of cell phones in the universe. Wow!

So, how do you manage your subconscious thoughts and release the old patterns, current, past or ancestral?

When you learn to Re – program the brain rings in the energy field and release the past patterns you: 

  • become calm and centered 
  • communication and relationships improve 
  • attract more positive experiences and people 
  • health improves, energy goes up 
  • finish your big projects
  • people comment that you look lighter 

This and more is what we learn in my annual Brain-Soul Success Bootcamp. The work goes seven generations backward and forward and is truly amazing. I want to share it with YOU, so you can also make a quantum leap as these folks did earlier this year.

 “I quit smoking and another addiction since working with Louise. I am more confident, lost 15 pounds and feel empowered and like ME for the first time in my life.” – D.

“I have been getting everything done in my house that I wanted to do for two years.  I integrated my horse and he is not as feisty. I wrote my Triology book and I am editing it now.” – C.

“My youngest daughter commented that, ‘I have noticed a change in you!’ This opened doors for more trusted communication. I saw her as a young mature woman.” – J.

2017 Brain-Soul Success Bootcamp group

Watch what happened when Lisa released an old wound she didn’t know she had.

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Super Early Bird Offer!

Coupon  for $297

Call our office to get registered: 505-797-0540

Learn more about the Brain – Soul Success Bootcamp HERE!

Hurry, this offer is only for a  Limited Time to the first 10 people who call 505-797-0540 and make the greatest investment in themselves they’ve done all year! Let’s call it an early Christmas present to YOU, the most important person in your life!

Here are some coupons to invite a few friends to be your bootcamp buddies at the same super early bird special.



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