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What is your Purpose?

At the end of “Eclipse Week” where are you at? Was your week smooth or bumpy? It seems that emotions are running all over the place, and minute-to-minute we are changing. Maybe this week you found yourself unfocused, scattered, reflecting, wondering, or overwhelmed. Thankfully, I was able to meet with our group class in the office this week to begin to shift this energy. If you were not with us on our live stream on Facebook, take a peak HERE. We cleared layers of fear and disconnect, and I watched faces change and stress just melt away. Yea!

A client came in this week and shared a story with me that touched me and I want to share it with you. Let me set the scene. This woman is beautiful, smart, intuitive, and at almost 70 years old walks with grace and confidence, and shares from the heart.

She said: “I remember being four years old and asking my dad, ‘What is our purpose here, dad?’  He responded, ‘Honey if I knew the answer to that I would be a rich man.’”

It was not the answer she was looking for, and she is still asking the very same question 60 years later. Her story made me reflect upon the question and its various forms.

So, what is your purpose on this planet?  We all tend to seek, ask, look deeper, and even beat ourselves up that we do not have the BIG answer. Really our purpose is simple — it is to be YOU!  God wants you to allow, be and share your talents and gifts with the world – to just be YOU!

Now.. to get you back to YOU!  I have learned that we can access your best self (your authentic YOU) when your brain is sharp and balanced. Join me on Saturday, August 26for my FREE Rewire Your Brain for Success webinar. SIGN UP HERE:

11:00 AM PT

12:00 PM MST

1:00 PM Ct

2:00 PM EST

5:00 PM Dublin time



  • Learn the 5 steps to optimize brain power, focus, memory and intelligence.
  • Learn how heavy metals affect your brain.
  • What about the spaces in the brain? (This is part to get back to YOU!) 


To your success,


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