It is Back to School time and fall is sneaking into the air. Can you feel the cooler mornings, excitement of the kids, hustle and bustle of parents fitting in last minute appointments, and the beginning of a new season? This is a great time to set your goals and intentions and clear out the old baggage and make room for the new.
At Back to School time, I think of optimizing brain power and focus, getting organized and positioning you and your family for success. When I was teaching dyslexics (I do not like labels but use this one for purposes of understanding the population and the valuable lessons I learned from my students) how to read, write and spell I used a multi-sensory program, combining what you see, speak, hear, write and feel, in order to make the sounds, letter names, and written symbols stick in their brains.
My dyslexic students taught me more than I realized at first. I was able to see their “brain patterns” and answer why a certain technique was not the right key to unlock their best pathway for learning. I’d try another tool and apply a multi-sensory format and Voila! Success!
Then I became very ill myself with several auto immune dis-eases and desperately wanted to be a mom to my two wonderful children. Long story short it took 16 years and many doctors, supplements, alternatives including osteopathy, chiropractors, acupuncture, herbs, emotional work, spiritual work, and on and on to finally be me again.
I figured I was practically a natural doctor from all I had to learn for my health so why not get the degree? As a naturopath I realized we were not using a multi-sensory approach to healing.
Today, I use my own system that developed from the years of work using many tools on myself and clients, including neurofeedback, kinesiology, trauma release work, and a brain balancing technique called the B.R.A.I.N. System (body, release, align with spirit, integrate, and add a new program). It is the most complete healing system out there and so much faster than anything else I’ve used! My quest was to shorten the time it takes for healing and to make sure the brain is balanced, COMPLETELY!
What do I mean by “brain balanced completely”? A key piece missing in health and in all aspects of healing is to
1) Balance the brain physically;
2) Feed the brain, mentally;
3) Clear out the negative thoughts, emotionally;
4) Clear toxic and ancestral emotions, spiritually;
5) Align with God, spirit, or a higher power;
6) Address the energy field.
The energy field piece is missing in many other practices, as well as how to do this all together simultaneously to get the fastest and best, most complete results that sticks. Believe me, I know about stick ability! This is what is possible:
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As you can see, a healthy, happy, successful brain means a healthy happy, successful YOU, and I created a free webinar to help you learn to balance your brain. I’m calling it the 5 Secrets to Rewire Your Brain for Success. CLICK HERE to learn more.
The webinar is August 26, so don’t wait, sign up and pass this webinar link on to a friend whose family could benefit from improved brain power this school year. SIGN UP LINK:
If you are a student of life attending “Life School” and want more focus and success, then this is for you, too!
RSVP HERE to learn the 5 Secrets to Rewire Your Brain for Success!