See My Article in “ABQ The Mag”!

I’ve had so many exciting moments happen lately that I can’t wait to share with all of you, and another one just occurred! I have an article in this month’s “Albuquerque The Magazine” where I get to share some information about my signature B.R.A.I.N. System! You can pick a copy up locally or order a copy online. There is just something very magical about having an article in a popular magazine. But of course more so I feel incredibly blessed for this opportunity to reach even more people with my number 1 message: With B.R.A.I.N., my clients reach their goals and achieve ultimate success fast, and so can you! Whether your goal is career or health related, big or small, reaching it doesn’t have to be a long, uphill battle, the way mine was when I was trying to get well. In fact I created B.R.A.I.N. to help my clients from having to experience the kind of long tedious road to recovery that I did. I developed B.R.A.I.N. over the last twenty plus years to streamline clients’ journeys using the tools I’ve collected along my own path to success. That’s just one way I KNOW it works.


After defining the unique type of work that I do as B.R.A.I.N. it has taken off like wildfire, and I’m so grateful for every life I get to reach far and wide. Some of my long distance clients, such as those located in Canada, I have never met in person. This is just one of many reasons I am so excited that in less than 2 weeks I will be hosting my Brain-Soul Leap Bootcamp (March 10-12) getting to actually meet and hug some of these lovely souls that I have come to know so intimately from afar. I am so delighted to see such an interest in B.R.A.I.N. and can’t wait to introduce my “bootcampers” to it over this upcoming, transformational weekend. If you are curious about the Bootcamp or B.R.A.I.N., I still have a few seats left and encourage you to sign up. This may be the only time I do a bootcamp like this, because you know me, I like to keep things new and changing!

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