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Shanna’s Story

It was seven years ago that I met Shanna (name changed for confidentiality). She came to me as a sensitive, kindred spirit suffering from fatigue, allergies, surgeries, teeth issues, anxiety, and many other things that were keeping her from being her true self. This was long before I created the acronym B.R.A.I.N. for my signature healing system, but looking back I realize it was using the principal components of B.R.A.I.N. — body detox, releasing emotional baggage, aligning with spirit, and integrating a new program — that allowed Shanna to not only heal but flourish.

The first thing we addressed was Shanna’s physical body (B.), treating her for a host of pathogenic infections, including parasites, candida, and viral/fungal infections. I worked on her TMJ, did allergy treatments, and helped her detox radiation and heavy metals from her body. Then, we worked on her diet to figure out what supplements and dietary changes she needed to match her unique body’s needs. Soon her methylation pathways were greatly improved, allowing her to be able to handle the effects of every day toxins in our environment by detoxing them rather than getting sick. I recall adding the Stable Glutathione and she said, “This is helping me so much, please always carry this product.” Along with releasing toxins, we began releasing emotional baggage, too (R.). There were a multiple ancestral connections and strings of betrayal and grief. It is the emotions that get stuck in the nerves and attach to pathogens, especially viruses. I found these have to be addressed in tandem to clear them up completely. A bottle of herbs alone will not make the shift.

Once we got her body in working order we aligned her spiritual/energetic body (A.), and using biofeedback and brain-soul balancing techniques we integrated a new program into her bio computer (I. & N.). It was after five Geotran integrations Shanna said, “I wanted to thank you for bringing me into the world of integrations. I’ve done 5 integration sessions with you and just felt the need to let you know that each and every one has been forever life changing for me! Because of these sessions, I feel like a more solid, grounded and complete person now. There’s no way I would have been able to move forward like this in my life if I had never done these. My health is finally back on track and my brain is back to normal!! I am more happy and healthy and feel so much lighter and more positive. I am excited again to be living life and feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from me. Thank you, thank you, Louise!!!”


Then she got married and bought a house and in the years since has soared in incredible ways. But life is never all sunshine and rainbows, and recently Shanna has been thrown a few stress-filled curve balls and she called Monday asking for an emergency appointment. It was the emergency room or Louise, she said. When she came in she was shaking and cold and couldn’t state a complete sentence. Because of the work we’ve done together in the past her body and energy field responded quickly to my work. In just one session together I was able to clear all her stress and anxiety and watch her calm down, think clearly and state complete sentences again. Shanna left with a smile on her face. When I called to check on her two days later this is what she told me:

“The only reason I made it to today is from the work we did on Monday. You’ve pushed me to the next level that I needed to get to- to grow. I think this is going to be a really powerful time in my life. Thank you, you are an angel on Earth.”

Hearing those words come from someone I’ve helped and watched go through the powerful highs and lows of a healing journey is the greatest gift I could imagine. I feel that as a planet we are all shifting together right now in profound ways, and even when we are not aware we are doing so, we are supporting one another through these growing pains. When we elevate our frequency, we elevate those around us. If that sounds fishy, don’t take it from me, take it from Albert Einstein. In 1095 Einstein proved through quantum physics that energy and matter are interchangeable and interconnected, and that your energy, vibrational frequency, and physical self are interchangeable. We are one universal energy body manifesting itself in various forms throughout the cosmos.

To help us navigate these changing energy fields I am sharing my B.R.A.I.N. System at the Brain-Soul Leap Bootcamp, March 10-12, here in Albuquerque. I am excited to clear your brain, blocks to success and help you LEAP forward!

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We still have room and you can bring a friend for $100.  CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP and see what all the fuss is about.

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