One can choose to hold a positive intention for unity and love and a higher vibration( than the media portrays). I am praying for the families worldwide affected by attacks and war and dis-empowerment.
Will you hold this vibration of love, harmony, unity and peace with me? If we all create this thought pattern TOGETHER we can affect change. Thoughts and prayers have vibration and can reach anywhere.
Let’s clear the blocks to love, unity, harmony and peace world wide. I know many of you are healers, believers and energy workers. We can do it!!
I invite you to Celebrate PEACE and LOVE and UNITY!On July 4th at 9:00 PM MST ( calculate your time zone) let ‘s collectively pray for peace.Why 9:00 PM? ( 9 is a number signifying change and fireworks will be most likely be “lighting up the sky.” )Use this prayer or one of your own.
Prayer for All Creation
Let us see one another through eyes
enlightened by understanding and compassion.Release us from judgment so we can receive the stories
of our sisters and brothers with respect and attention.Open our hearts to the cries of a suffering world
and the healing melodies of peace and justice for all creation.Empower us to be instruments of justice
and equality everywhere.prayer for everyday for all creation
Collectively authored by the Millionth Circle Initiative,
5th World Conference on Women & Circle Connections.Prayer for Love
May we love ever more.
May we motivate ourselves to committed love in Action.
May we motivate ourselves to live the life we wish to see in the world.
May we be the transformation we wish to see in the world.
From the inside out . . .
From the roots branching upwards . . .
From the heart
to thought
to word
to action.
Through life’s trials and hardships
we can arise beautiful and free.for luna – julia butterfly hill – 11/26/2000
I think I will include a clearing for world peace, unity and love in this series, please join me?
it on… We had people from all parts of the world- Canada, Sweden, Ireland, Mexico,USA.
We did a powerful heart wound clearing that
changes the field forever( listen till the end).
Clearing the Roadblocks to Success recording
Awakening Abundance Mastermind TeleClass, Taking it Deeper!
See more here:https://www.abqnaturalhealthcenter.com/groups/awakening-abundance-mastermind/