A Bigger Game

BRAINupdatedpink - CopyA Bigger Game

You and everyone on the planet is being called to play a bigger game.   If you  have felt pulled, powerless, off balance, unsure, burdened.. it is all part of the shift.  Recently I have witnessed this pattern in my clients and we have dug down and dirty into the past.. releasing the layers that no longer serve them.  There  are themes each week and this week I have seen scapegoat, powerlessness and helpless as a common thread.  It always amazes me when I observe these themes play out client after client!

If you do not clear the baggage you cannot create your dream life.  We all have patterns and hold memories of trauma.   This week I worked with  a woman who  held  guilt, grief and heartache which stole her ability to love herself.. yes, everything is about love of self ( for all of us.)  There was a lot of past soul shock.  I love watching what happens when we release this..  people’s faces change right on the spot. A lightness comes in and peace fills the room.   Hallelujah!

Clearing the Field

I am so grateful to be able to help people on this soul level..  what is magical is the interactions and cross correlations between the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energy field.

We are complex whole beings.  If you do not clear all the layers the issue returns later. This system has worked beautifully for business owners needing to release the blocks to success!  I worked with a woman in sales and we cleared the company issues and her interaction with the changes and she is closing bids galore.  A baseball team player was struggling with batting. First, clearing the young man’s batting issue  and then adding the TEAM to my frequency program changed everything! Now they are winning and playing a BIGGER GAME!

My BRAIN signature program addresses all the layers in a unique multi-sensory way.  I discovered this on my own path of healing myself and listening first to my dyslexia students ( Taught special education for 25 years)  and later to my clients.  You have to use a multi-sensory technique to change the brain and “create” a new pattern ( a new neural pathway) to have it stick.  Using  words, movement, all the senses ( see, hear, say, write, touch) and the energy work in the filed- Geotran is so much more complete than just biofeedback.   See upcoming class June 10-13. You can learn this , too!



So , why not use this combination with healing was my question?  I developed the Brain signature program and use it everyday!

If you are stuck and need help with a physical, emotional or spiritual issue it is all three – guaranteed. Let’s shift  that pattern so you can play a Bigger Game!  Check out my new Awakening Abundance Mastermind.  



Your life will change in three months!I guarantee it.   If this touched you, please leave  a comment or question below.



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