Are you feeling a little stressed lately? Tis the season for rushing, parties, eating, baking , shopping, …I receive many questions at this time of year about how to stay balanced? How can I keep my brain and emotions balanced? The holidays
bring up thoughts of family who have passed and memories of holidays past. The stronger your faith and connection the smoother and easier this time will be. Pray, rejoice, listen to Christmas music, allow the sweetness, no pun intended.
Mmm.. listening to “chestnuts roasting on an open fire” .. as I write this.
Now a soft l blanket of snow would make it all perfect. Found the perfect sparkly picture!
BREATHE… Here is a great breathing technique to slow down the pace and stay balanced and in gratitude.
Breathe all the way down into your belly and allow it to expand .
Breathe in the nose, out the nose 4 times
Breathe in the nose, out the mouth 4 times
Breathe in the mouth , out the mouth 4 times
Breathe in the mouth, out the nose 4 times
Breathe normally and give thanks for your blessings.
Louise Swartswalter as seen on KOB-TV
Annual Holiday Party
December 18 4:00-8:00PM
We host an annual party every year to send a big thank you to all our wonderful clients.
We love you and love parties!
Come for the Tibetan Bowl Healing, food, raffle, and fun. I will have dinner food and if you like you can bring a dessert or just come!
Gift Certificates – Give the gift of health!
Call us and we will mail out a special certificate for the service or dollar
amount you want to give a loved one or friend.
Give a loved one a Stress reduction Biofeedback session, Integration for Life,
Coaching session
a Detoxing Footbath, This is a gift they will always remember.
It is time to address “Your Whole being”
in a new way.
I am excited to begin this new group with new
Moving Forward to a Beautiful Amazing You !
12 weeks of ongoing frequencies.

Jan. 13th 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Anti-aging, Love, Creativity
Future Meetings Feb. 17, March 16, April 20.
Learn the 7 secrets (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and FIELD)
to a Beautiful Amazing YOU!
Release the past and move forward into your “new skin.”
Learn how to allow your upper limit! NEW
Webinars to be announced.. still finalizing date. It says 2015 , but is 2016.
Classes held at Albuquerque Natural Health Center
4550 Eubank Blvd. NE Suite 205
505-797-0540 Please call.